1. The Helper’s High
The ‘Helper’s High’ was termed after the researcher Alan Luks, surveyed thousands of volunteers and found that those that helped others, consistently reported significantly better health than their peers.
While we know helping others is a good thing for them, we also know the universal law of nature – ‘as we so sow so shall we reap’. And from modern science we know, that along with the positive emotional feelings of ‘doing a good deed’, comes an absolute host of profound biochemical & physiological changes, all in the direction of more robust health & greater inner happiness. Clearly, if you have a underlying awareness/focus of ‘doing good’, in your day to day affairs – in whatever form that comes naturally for you – you will not only help others but guarantee yourself far better health & inner contentment.
Tip 1. Do one thing (you wouldn’t have done otherwise) to really help someone else
- Anonymously send some money to someone experiencing financial hardship.
- Babysit for a single mum or couple, to give them the chance to do something for themselves.
- Ring someone for no reason other than to tell them how special they are or to make them feel good about themselves.
Good for them – Good for you
Tip 2. Think of one (or more) way you can incorporate genuinely helping others into your life on an ongoing basis e.g. as a part of your work, something outside work, a donatable hobby etc etc
That’s it for now, but of course – don’t forget to help yourself too.