Back then, I never thought anything of it. 22 years later, I just recently went to a holistic dentist to have some old mercury fillings removed – there’s growing research that these aren’t good. My front (chipped) tooth was also becoming a little discoloured, and when the dentist saw it, he commented on some growing caution about root canals, that could potentially lead to quite serious problems. As I had never had a problem, I didn’t worry about it.
However, a week later, a good mate of mine – Brucey Connolly – sent me a video from a US doctor who I really like. His name is Dr. Mercola and he talks about (based on the research of Weston.A.Price) the problem of root canal surgery, and why if you know anyone with any serious disease, they might want to look into whether they have had root canal surgery in the past. It also outlines what you can do about it. Mercola outlines many cases, including himself, where once the root canal tooth has been removed, long-standing, chronic illnesses have literally vanished overnight.
Anyway, if of interest, or you know someone with a serious or chronic illness not improving with current treatments, and they have had a root canal removed, feel free to check out or send on this root canal therapy video