The Healthy People Healthy Business E-Training Program:
The 'Healthy People Healthy Business' online program is designed to help busy businesspeople do the simple everyday things needed to maintain good health and the consistent performance levels necessary to succeed at work.
Each week, you will receive a short (we know how super busy everyone is) email with a topical performance, health, productivity or work-life balance tip.
The tips are provided by Mark Bunn, one of Australia's leading health and performance speakers and provide simple, achievable suggestions and tools for how to make SMALL work or life changes that provide BIG day to day benefits.
The Tips Include...
- healthy eating ideas - breakfast/lunch, high energy foods etc
- healthy exercise tips & how to get more activity into your day
- healthy hydration & tips on caffeine, alcohol, soft drinks etc
- peak sleep - how to get it easily & naturally
- world's best productivity strategies - practices of Richard Branson, Tim Ferriss, Steve Covey, Earl Nightingale & others
- how to significantly improve email efficiency
- work life balance & time management tips
- office/ergonomic & workplace health
- everyday vitality maximisers
- simple stress busters for home & office
* The tips focus on just one 'key thing to do' each week, so they are practical & user-friendly.
Unlimited Email Access to Mark:
In addition to all the weekly tips, anyone in the program can also contact Mark directly at anytime to ask any personal questions or get advice or further resources on a health related topic.