

*Perfect for fresh, hot, cooked, convenient & tasty meals…whenever you want

Ideal for Vegetable Pasta, Rice, Semolina, Dhal, Noodles etc

For pasta, semolina, cous cous, noodles etc

To assist your body’s natural ‘elimination cycle’, take one of the following, first thing each morning.

  1. One Glass of ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER (even better if boiled for 5+ minutes first & then cooled)
  2. One Glass of BOILED WATER with 10-20 drops of FRESH LEMON JUICE and 2 teaspoons of ALOE VERA JUICE

* Females – Do NOT take the Aloe Vera if menstruating!

As above

+ 2 pinches GINGER POWDER
+ 1-2 pinch TURMERIC

Would you like to add massive anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant & digestion / metabolism boosting activity to your body each day?

Sometimes we can get so consumed analyzing calories, fat ratios, vitamin %’s etc, we forget about the unbelievable power of traditional herbs/spices – not the KFC variety!!!

As a rule, we westerners don’t use spices nearly enough, so this week, if you are not already, add some or all of the following into your cooking to start reaping some amazing benefits.

In the news this week was a major article about whether raw milk (unpasteurised) was healthy or harmful. If you are not aware, there is quite a large underground movement of people who drink raw milk. I.e. milk that is unpasteurised. However, because unpasteurised milk is considered illegal by authorities (in Australia), health food shops that sell it, can only sell it for ‘cosmetic purposes’, often labelling it as ‘bath’ milk (e.g. Cleopatra’s Bath milk)..

What do I think?