Hot Water
To assist your body’s natural ‘elimination cycle’, take one of the following, first thing each morning.
- One Glass of ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER (even better if boiled for 5+ minutes first & then cooled)
- One Glass of BOILED WATER with 10-20 drops of FRESH LEMON JUICE and 2 teaspoons of ALOE VERA JUICE
* Females – Do NOT take the Aloe Vera if menstruating!
As above
+ 2 pinches GINGER POWDER
+ 1-2 pinch TURMERIC
Ayurveda & Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 1
Ayurveda & Ayurvedic Wisdom of Dr Raju – Pt 1
Tuesday, 12 April 2011 15:21
I’ve just returned from a month in India with one of India’s greatest exponents of Ayurvedic medicine – Doctor JR Raju. It was said that there are only five families in India/the world that possess the full knowledge of Ayurveda, and that Dr Raju belongs to one of them. Anyway, I thought this month (and next) you might enjoy some of the more ‘everyday’ health wisdoms as recounted by Doctor Raju in a few of the seminars and private meetings I was fortunate enough to have with him. I have started with three tips. I hope you enjoy.