

I went to school in the 60’s and 70’s, I went to an all girls school with 600 students. For tuck shop we had meat pies, vanilla slices, chocolate & eclairs and on the way home from school we’d stop at the local fish and chip shop and order 20 cents worth of chips and smother them in salt and vinegar. There was one fat girl in the whole school. I remember her name and her face because she was an oddity.

I don’t remember anyone with diabetes, one girl in the school got a brain tumour and there was no one that had a peanut or nut allergy. Not one of my friends had a sibling or cousin, for that matter with Autism, Asperges or ADD. Everyone drank 250ml. of milk everyday at morning tea and there wasn’t a wheat or dairy allergy to hear about.

I had a pizza while out with some friends some time ago …yes, I said a pizza!!! “oh my God, the health guy eats pizza”!!!

It’s true, but don’t tell me you too have been brainwashed into thinking pizza’s are necessarily ‘bad’ or too heavy for dinner.

If you get a gourmet vegetarian pizza and take off the excess cheese (easier if you get cheese cubes not melted), what do you have??…toasted bread & vegetables.

Do you have kids? Do you work with kids or deal with them regularly? Do you remember back when you were a kid? It wasn’t that long ago was it? How many kids back in your day were obese, had diabetes, wheat or dairy allergies or had autism, ADD or ADHD? I’m guessing that if you are like me, not many…if any! What has happened? Why does it seem that every second child these days is either obese, has diabetes, is allergic to something or has been diagnosed as ADHD? We have a fantastic article (I didn’t write it!) that will hopefully shed some light on this all-important issue for you.